Workflow state actions and triggers.

I am trying to create a workflow where once a document creator finishes some work they can pass on to an approver state it to be signed by someone else with the condition that they can't sign the document themself.

To do this I have set a state action to assign the document to the person who created it, who would also be the current user. I have tested this and it works fine. The trigger to move to the next state is that the assigned to is not the current user.

But when I test, the trigger occurs before the state action meaning the document is passed straight through to the signing stage with no one assigned to it. I have tried creating a post state condition saying that the assigned to is not empty, but this makes no difference.

Does anyone have any suggestions where I'm going wrong?



  • Why not add an Approver property to the document, and simply have the workflow create a new assignment to the Approver once it has moved into the next state?
    I mostly use Separate Assignments in workflows rather then direct Assignments. This seems to give better control and more options such as having different assignment classes.

  • Thanks for the answer. I have done something similar, but I have the same problem that the user could make themself the approver. and then the assignment would still go to the creator. Do you know of a way I can stop the creator of the making themself the approver.

  • If the creators never can be approvers then you can use a filter to only allow selection of approvers from a certain group or from people who have a certain property on their Person object.

    If the same person can be creator on one document and approver on another it gets more complicated. I might create a script for validation on approver. The script should simply compare creator and approver and raise an error if they are the same. However, scripts are no longer recommended. You might want to use a more future proof solution - that is beyond my skills at the moment. Perhaps Property Calculator can do the trick?

  • If the creators never can be approvers then you can use a filter to only allow selection of approvers from a certain group or from people who have a certain property on their Person object.

    If the same person can be creator on one document and approver on another it gets more complicated. I might create a script for validation on approver. The script should simply compare creator and approver and raise an error if they are the same. However, scripts are no longer recommended. You might want to use a more future proof solution - that is beyond my skills at the moment. Perhaps Property Calculator can do the trick?

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