Hello everyone,
Is there a way to electronically sign (pdf rendering processor) a single (primary file) file in the multi-File document and keep the original files and attachments without converting them to pdf?
Thank you
Hello everyone,
Is there a way to electronically sign (pdf rendering processor) a single (primary file) file in the multi-File document and keep the original files and attachments without converting them to pdf?
Thank you
Unfortunately I don't believe this is possible, PDF Processor instructions are applied to all the files in a document. To only render one of the files, you would have to separate it to its own document object. This may require some redesigning of your current process to manage multiple documents.
Hello Joonas,
Thank you for your reply. i also think there's no solution without further development. however, i've tested it by zipping all the original files and attachments and it seems to work, but yes, it's still a zip... :)
Yes, only the file formats supported by PDF Processor will be converted to PDF. These are listed in the Compliance Kit - Configuration Manual (section If you zip the attachments or otherwise change them to unsupported file formats they will not be processed.
Another option is to merge all the files into a single PDF. PDF Processor can do this for supported file formats with the Concatenate option. The files in the multi-file documented are merged in alphabetical order by their filename.
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