Can you change the object type after the fact?

I am in the process of reconfiguring our vault.  When M-Files was set up we did not understand the difference between an Object and a Class.  Thus, we made several Objects that should really be classes.  Now that we have a better understanding, we would like to reconfigure our vault by omitting numerous objects- however we don't want to lose the documents contained in each one.  Is it possible to change the object on each document to a different one prior to deleted the object on the admin side?

  • There are ways to do this but it's not something you can easily do as a mass operation in the M-Files client or the admin side. Also, there are many aspects to consider in this change, for instance any document or other object referring to these objects in their metadata would need to be updated to point to the new objects.

    I recommend raising this with your M-Files reseller so you can review your vault configuration and change requirements together and choose the best way forward. They may also have some ready tools that help with these mass operations.