Creating workflow where state is advanced only if all all users confirm


I have a question regarding creating workflow in M-Files.

The scenario is as following: The initial user creates a document and sends it to other assigned employees (E1,E2,E3..En), ex. everyone else in the same group or office. All of them have to confirm the document for it to be sent to the supervisor. If any of other assigned employees (E) rejects the document it goes back to draft to initial user. When everyone is happy with the final version, it gets sent to the supervisor, who makes the final decision. If approved, the document is final and ready, otherwise the cycle goes back to the beginning (initial user creates a draft).

To explain a bit easier, I created the following flowchart:

Flowchart explaining situation

Everything is well, up to the point where I want all users to approve the document before it moving forward to the supervisor (marked with orange color in flowchart). I have tried to change preconditions, post-conditions, connections, but no matter what, the document gets sent to the supervisor (automatically) as soon as 1 of other assigned employees confirms, unlike how i want it - that is, send the document (automatically) as soon as all assigned employees confirm.

Additionally, here is the workflow from M-Files:

M-Files Workflow

The dotted connection is where I have selected the option to automatically 'Trigger the state transition once all separate assignments are completed or approved', however as described, it gets triggered as soon as one employee confirms, not all.

Have I missed something? Is there something I misunderstood when creating the workflow? Or is the only way to achieve that using VBscript on the said transition?

Thank you very much for help.

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