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M-Files Online March '21 Update (21.3.10021.4) not updating

Hello All,  automatic updates were supposed to start rolling out on March 22nd.  As of this morning, my server and clients have not been updated.  Just wondering if this is a system wide issue or just our company?  Has anybody been automatically been updated to version 21.3.10021.4?  I am still on 21.2.9928.4.  Thanks

  • Hi there. 

    Thanks for pointing this to us. 

    There was a minor issue with the Automatic Updates system that is now fixed. 

    Please note that you may not see the new version downloading on "check for updates" as there are some load balancing in place for the system. 

    The installer will eventually download to the workstations and to the servers. 

  • Timo,

    Would M-Files ever consider adding a local update source?  I could push via GPO but it would be so much more convenient for me to supply a location for update files and just download it once from M-Files.  Seems like that would take the load off your servers AND my internet.  Just a thought...

  • Timo,

    Would M-Files ever consider adding a local update source?  I could push via GPO but it would be so much more convenient for me to supply a location for update files and just download it once from M-Files.  Seems like that would take the load off your servers AND my internet.  Just a thought...
