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Preview an M-Files Link in Outlook - Possible or Impossible?

Hi Forum, 

When an email with an M-Files link is received I have noticed a message in outlook which says "This file cannot be previewed because there is no previewer installed for it."

Does this mean that a previewer exists to display the contents of the link in outlook or is this feature not possible?


  • What this means is that Windows cannot natively preview the actual "mflink" file.  This makes sense in some ways, as the "mflink" file only contains a link across to the object in M-Files, not any actual content.

    To answer your specific question: I do not believe that there's any previewer available to do this, unfortunately.

  • What this means is that Windows cannot natively preview the actual "mflink" file.  This makes sense in some ways, as the "mflink" file only contains a link across to the object in M-Files, not any actual content.

    To answer your specific question: I do not believe that there's any previewer available to do this, unfortunately.
