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Restrict replace file on certain class


Is there a way to supress the replace file, if I drag & drop a file over a certain document class, depending on file extension?

I have a class with excel files, and other classes (for example which contains word file or PDF).

I would like to have the possibility to replace the file if I drag and drop an excel file, but open the new object metadata card if it is a PDF. - for copying related metadata from the source document. (similar with drag and droping over an object that does not have the "Object can have files" enabled).



Parents Reply
  • I don't think I've ever tested this myself.  I have taken a look at the UIX documentation and I can't see that there's an event that would fire in this case.  Perhaps one of the built-in events would fire (like replace with file), but the documentation doesn't indicate that you would be able to access information about the new file this way.

    I personally can't see a way forward here.

    In general terms, though, if you can trap the event and get at the source file data (and drop target) then theoretically you should be able to cancel the "standard" event and show the "new object" metadata card using any combination of properties and source files that you want.  I just don't see how you can collate that information.
