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M-files Files or document export



 I have one document class under which I have multiple documents such as a passport.


I have one requirement in M-files where I have to export all pdf document files such as passport copy at once. There are more than 2000 copies of each such documents.


Currently from the M-file client, the export file limit is 500.


How can I export all those files based on a class at once? Second, I need to copy only the latest pdf document file.


I have tried exporting by right-clicking in m-file client, and by content, replication-one time export, second option is producing files in multiple folders. But I need all file inside one folder.


Screenshot attached.


Please let me know if it is possible.


 Appreciate any help.



 Best Regards,

Amit Kala


  • Hi Amit,

    You can definitely configure search and export limit in advanced config. The second option you are mentioning (export content) should not have a limit or do you see any? When you click on preview how many documents does it show?

    Another option would be to write a small background operation and to search for all documents you want to download in some folder. Here the link for VAF: You can introduce some additional property which you can update after you export certain documents. Then you can search periodically for batch of documents still not exported, download them, update that are exported and search for next batch. After no documents found afterwards, you can stop the job.

    I would still try with classic content export as I don't believe there is any limit there.


  • Dear,

    The second option is giving all files but it is coming under multiple folders, like below, and it will take a lot of time to get files from each of these folders.

    C:\mfile test export\new\{033E4-91D5-4909-BB8B-16E3E94}_2021613_111921\Files\033E-91D5-4909-B8B-B8BD94\0\34000-34999

    C:\mfile test export\new\{033E4-91D5-4909-BB8B-16E3E94}_2021613_111921\Files\033E-91D5-4909-B8B-B8BD94\0\35000-35999

    can we upload all files in just one single folder by export content?


  • Hi Amit, 

    It is true, documents are exported in partitioned sub-folders if you use standard tools.

    Yes, in case of background operations, you would need to develop new application based on VAF framework (C# and .NET framework). Don't know your background, how familiar you are with coding. VAF can be bit confusing on the beginning but when got used to it you can make amazing staff with it.

    Unfortunately metadata card config can not help you hear.

  • Hi Amit, 

    It is true, documents are exported in partitioned sub-folders if you use standard tools.

    Yes, in case of background operations, you would need to develop new application based on VAF framework (C# and .NET framework). Don't know your background, how familiar you are with coding. VAF can be bit confusing on the beginning but when got used to it you can make amazing staff with it.

    Unfortunately metadata card config can not help you hear.

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