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Reporting - M-Files Cloud Online


Good day everyone. Our client has a M-Files Cloud subscription. One of our business requirements is destruction of a document. This should trigger an event that will trigger a vbscript to write in a database table some of the properties of the documents. My question is if the database table is also hosted by M-Files? Or by the customer?

If by customer, how does the M-Files Cloud connect to the DB? We need to open to M-Files? Thank you. Apologies since we are new to this. Thank you

  • For vaults on M-Files Cloud, the vault database is hosted on Azure SQL Database and managed by M-Files. You cannot connect directly to the vault database from your scripts, all operations must be done through the M-Files API.

    Since you are working for our partner, you can find the cloud architecture described in these presentations on the Partner Portal:

    • M-Files Classic Cloud - Architecture and Security.pptx
    • M-Files New Cloud - Architecture and Security.pptx
  • Thank you Joonas. We'll look into this. So does this mean that when we need to create a database table specific for the properties of the documents to be destroyed, we need to use M-Files API right? Just wanted to confirm. Thank you

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  • If you mean you want to create a custom database table for your own purposes in the vault database, this is not supported. You would need to host your own external database for such purposes and connect to that from your code.

    If you mean performing normal object operations such as updating properties or deleting/destroying objects, then yes, these can be done via the API.