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"Last Modified" can it be hidden

Hello all,

I was wondering, if i can hide "last modified" from the metadata view.
is it possible? or it is an absolute feature that can't be change or hidden?

Thank you

  • As far as I know it's not possible to hide that information. May I ask what is the use case here, why shouldn't the users see who last modified the object?

  • First I want you to know something sir... You are a legend, thank you for the constant support every time <3 very much appreciated :) <3

    second. I am working in a medical organization for homecare services. and they seem to have someone who audit and check if the files have been entered in the correct date. now who is entering the files are nurses and caregivers. and sometimes they don't have enough time to take care of the patient and enter the forms at the same time. So, they ask for a backdating form. Means, they ask for an access to enter these forms with an old date on it. because we have a VBS code that doesn't allow anyone to put a backdate form unless they have a special access. We (IT DEPT) grant them this access if they have a valid reason. 

    but the problem is... when they create the metadata, it appears with the date of the same day they created the metadata.

    means the form supposed to be entered on 1st OCT. the nurse will enter it on 3rd of OCT, with the date of 1st October, but the "last modified" will show 3rd of October anyway. and it cause a problem with the auditing.

    So, as a request from my supervisor he asked me if it is doable to hide it.

    I searched in the internet, but the resources are really limited.

  • Thank you for the kind words. Slight smile

    I'm afraid there isn't a way to hide the built-in Last modified information but would it help in this case if you added a new property definition such as Event date (or whatever name makes sense for the users) and store the actual date into that field? Then Last modified would be the date when the information was entered into M-Files and Event date would be the date when the event being recorded happened.

  • Thank you for the kind words. Slight smile

    I'm afraid there isn't a way to hide the built-in Last modified information but would it help in this case if you added a new property definition such as Event date (or whatever name makes sense for the users) and store the actual date into that field? Then Last modified would be the date when the information was entered into M-Files and Event date would be the date when the event being recorded happened.
