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Can external users be created without the admin console or subscription portal?

I wanted to streamline the process of creating new external users by allowing certain non admin users to create them without having to go through the process of adding them on the subscription portal or the admin console. How could this be done?



  • I assume this is a cloud vault since you mentioned the Subscription Management Portal. Users on (classic) M-Files Cloud need to be created via the portal, a normal user cannot really add new users independently.

    User provisioning from Azure AD is also an option for creating users but these users are always added as internal users so it wouldn't help in your case either.

  • I assume this is a cloud vault since you mentioned the Subscription Management Portal. Users on (classic) M-Files Cloud need to be created via the portal, a normal user cannot really add new users independently.

    User provisioning from Azure AD is also an option for creating users but these users are always added as internal users so it wouldn't help in your case either.

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