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Working with PDF documents


now our customer is receiving the PDF document. The users open the PDF document in FOXIT, edit the PDF document, and then they send it back. With M-Files the case will be: PDF is imported into M-Files (Connection To External Source > Mail), the user will open the PDF, edit it and send it back.

Any ideas on what would be the best way so the users do not have to save the PDF on a local disk, open it in FOXIT, save the edited version on a local disk and then search the original PDF in MFIles and drag&drop the PDF from the local disk to M-Files to overwrite the original PDF?

Best, Uros

  • If the user simply check out the document when opening it from M-Files with Foxit then they can also save the document as a new version in M-Files and check it back in when done just like they would with a word-document or any other editable document. You can configure M-Files to automatically ask the user whether he wants to check out PDF documents when opening - same as word and many other types.

  • "You can configure M-Files to automatically ask the user whether he wants to check out PDF documents when opening - same as word and many other types."

    I did not know that. Where can I configure that? Advanced settings?

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