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Changing class in metadata card config

I am trying to use a metadata config. I have filtered on class and am trying to change the class property to something else but the class does not want to change.

The rest of the config works as I am also relabeling a property. 

Anyone know if this is doable or is the class property not able to get changed like this?


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  • We have a class called "Controlled Documents". This class holds all our version controlled forms. Each form has a property called "Target Class" that the filled in form need to be part of.

    When a user opens a template of one of these forms, I would like to change the class to whatever is in the "Target Class". 

    Currently I am swapping the class in a event handler, but I can only do it after the user clicks create.

  • Could you consider changing the setup so that each form is already in the correct class, so the created documents would also go in that class without any special configuration? If you're using the Version Control Lite module and I've understood your publishing scheme correctly, you could for instance try changing the class of the released form in the released version workflow (with a script in an appropriate workflow state).

    Or is there some specific reason why they must remain in that "Controlled Documents" class at that point?

    (I'm not sure if the VCLite module sets some restrictions on class changes of the released version, this was just an idea to try to work around the issue.)

  • I could be wrong, but I don't think I can change the class of the published document as it would also change the workflow. If the workflow is not "version controlled states" I cant see how VClite would be able to work.

    I will give it a shot as it would be a nice and neat way around this issue.

  • If you cannot get it to work, I suggest raising this with your M-Files reseller to discuss the options. There are a number of moving parts in this technically and also your own business requirements so I think it's easier to discuss this while you can also look at your vault at the same time.

  • Sometimes there is no need for a template selection but you want to specify a standard class when creating an Object..