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New Desktop UI Full Release Q&A

Please use this thread to ask any questions regarding the full release coming this November. 

  • Question - I have a customer who THOUGHT they were looking at the preview, but the installation wasn't complete. Now that the auto-update has gone through, they're not happy with the new UI. Specifically, "I much preferred the old interface where you could see everything at a glance without having to switch from one area to another.". This customer runs M-Files on prem. Is there an option (and instructions) to roll the UI back to the previous version? 


  • Question - I have a customer who THOUGHT they were looking at the preview, but the installation wasn't complete. Now that the auto-update has gone through, they're not happy with the new UI. Specifically, "I much preferred the old interface where you could see everything at a glance without having to switch from one area to another.". This customer runs M-Files on prem. Is there an option (and instructions) to roll the UI back to the previous version? 

