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Hi everyone, having an issue setting up notifications. Looking to have them set up to send a user group a reminder 5 months after the document was last fully approved. How is best to do this?

Additionally, none of my notifications are being sent out/received by the intended users.

thank you


  • Hi Emma,
    Not sure if you resolved this as I see its over 2 weeks.

    Is the notification linked to a workflow?

    If yes, this should be fairly straightforward (at least how I do it) by an automatic transition.

    First you will need to add another state after the final state, so you can accommodate the final notification.

    In this example, "Communicated" is the final state in my WF, but I added an additional state that will allow the notification to be triggered ("Final Notification").

    Then you specify an automatic state transition with the criteria that triggers this: in this case when "Last modified" is greater than or equal 150 days (5 months).

    Then set up the notification and the User Groups.

    On the final point, we had this issue in our organisation a few months ago.

    There were a few different causes: 1.) do the users have notifications enabled in the Client? There was a bug some time ago where these were not being automatically enabled; even though by default notifications should be enabled. Check this first.

    Additionally, are the users enabled on the relevant Vault from M-Files Login Service? As well as this their user account should be enabled. They can be listed on the Vault, but still be disabled. As I understand if they are disabled they won't receive notifications.

    I hope this helps!


  • In addition to the last part: Check that notification is enabled on the M-Files server level, and check that the SMTP server settings are correct. If none of your notifications go out this could be the root cause.

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