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Using Import Tool to Process Document Revision Updates?

We use the Import Tool extensively to upload documents (mostly drawings) received in bulk from vendors.  To be clear, these are drawings that have never been in M-Files previously and have been reviewed and approved externally outside the M-Files process by vendors.  So the Import Tool works great because it allows me to enter the true Reviewed, Approved, and Released Dates via the CSV spreadsheet.

Now, however, I’m in receipt of dozens and dozens revised drawings have been reviewed and approved outside the M-Files process.  How do I modify the CSV so the Import Tool understands that I’m actually doing a bulk Revision 1 Update to these existing Rev 0 drawings? 

Jan Schroeder
Head of Document Control & Records Mgmt
Commonwealth Fusion Systems

  • You need some property value that you can use to match the incoming file with an existing drawing in the vault. For instance drawing number or other such identifier that you can provide in the M-Files Importer data file. Could be perhaps the doc ID if you are modifying the CSV file by hand. The relevant feature in M-Files Importer is called duplicate detection. This thread has an example of the needed configuration: M-Files Importer - How to import versions of an original document?

  • Sorry, Joonas, I forgot to add that I'm using QMS Importer rather than the normal Importer ... any suggestions?

    [I would also add that, although I had Notifications turned on for this forum post, I did not receive an email when you answered me the day after I posted ... so I had no idea that you answered me.  I was on a Microsoft Teams call with Markus Impola (my M-Files solution Architect) showing him my forum post and that's how I saw that you were kind enough to respond.]

  • Sorry, Joonas, I forgot to add that I'm using QMS Importer rather than the normal Importer ... any suggestions?

    [I would also add that, although I had Notifications turned on for this forum post, I did not receive an email when you answered me the day after I posted ... so I had no idea that you answered me.  I was on a Microsoft Teams call with Markus Impola (my M-Files solution Architect) showing him my forum post and that's how I saw that you were kind enough to respond.]

  • I haven't used QMS Importer myself so I'm not sure what options are available there. I recommend raising this with Markus or your other M-Files contacts if you can't figure it out since QMS Importer doesn't really have any documentation available. Or you can ask them to provide M-Files Importer since that should do the job.

  • Just to close the loop on this one ... I mentioned this to Markus Impola, Joonas.  Markus said we have to use the QMS Importer when uploading the controlled documents for our QMS because it was specially configured to set up the loading up of the yellow book collection, working copy and released revision. It needed to understand how to build those different elements and then link them together. The regular Import Tool  is typically used to bulk upload non-controlled documents that don't have the relationship and version control mechanism of the Working Copy and then Released Revisions that the QMS M-Files uses.

     Markus did, however, commit to raising an improvement request for the QMS Importer to support the ability to add revisions to an existing controlled document.

    Jan Schroeder
    Head of Document Control & Records Mgmt
    Commonwealth Fusion Systems

  • Ah, these are controlled documents. Didn't realize that. Good that Markus was able to raise the improvement request.