Quick search documents not found

Hi All,

I'm wondering when using a quick search, the file does not appear in the search results.

However, the documents are visible when you look at in the views (by class).

I've already cleared the local cache and I'm using administrator account. I also tried filter combination but have a same result.

What seems to be the issues?

Kind regards,


  • Hi there, 

    First, make sure you are looking from the metadata when doing the quick search so that no search conditions are set. 

    Then, if the search still does not provide the search results, it could be time to reindex the document vault. 

    The reindexing does not prevent the document vault usage, but the search results are not accurate at the beginning of the operation. 

    Because of the things mentioned above, I'd suggest you start the reindexing job when there are not many activities for close hours. So, nighttime would be an excellent time to reindex, starting right after office hours. Depending on the hardware you're using with the document vault and the size of the document vault, the operation may take any time between minutes to several days to complete.