Bulk adding property definitions?

Hi everyone!

Newbie question so do bear with me. There is something rather stupid I would need to do: I need to create around 100 new property definitions, I have all the data that each of these should contain. I was wondering what would be the best practise way of adding all of these? Doing it manually through the painfully slow GUI is not something I would like to do.

Is there a way to do this through the GUI in a more sensible way? I can see this being somewhat simple to do through the API at least, providing that I am reading it right?

  • I'm afraid that this is rather manual work with M-Files Admin. You can do these operations via the API as you've noticed if you are comfortable with such an approach. You may also want to raise this with your M-Files representative as our consulting team may have some unofficial tools already for such bulk operations. I'm not sure if one exists for this particular use but worth asking as you may be able to avoid writing your own code.