Check User Account exists on another object

Hi, I need to use some workflow state action script to validate if a selected 'Owner' is listed in an Organisation

Organisations are tagged with 'M-Files User' property, which is a multi-select from the User account value list

The workflow process objects we're creating will be have a single-select 'Owner' property, which is again selecting from the User account value list

Normally I'd do this in script with something like this code:


' Get all the Organisations from the Delivery Team
Dim OrgLOOKUPS : Set OrgLOOKUPS = DTPropVal.SearchForProperty(pOrg).TypedValue.GetValueAsLookups

' Start Organisation lookups 
Set OrgObjID = CreateObject("MFilesAPI.ObjID")
OrgObjID.Type = otOrganisation

' Get details for each Organisation 
Dim Orglookup : Set Orglookup = CreateObject("MFilesAPI.Lookup")
Dim OrgObjVer : Set OrgObjVer = CreateObject("MFilesAPI.ObjVer")
Dim OrgPropVal : Set OrgPropVal = CreateObject("MFilesAPI.ObjectVersionAndProperties") 

For Each Orglookup in OrgLOOKUPS
	If Orglookup.item = SelectedOrg Then
		IsOwnerInDT = 1
		Exit For ' Stop the For loop, a match has been found
	End If

But the problem is on line6, where I'd define the Object Type of my lookup - I can't do this with Users as they're not objects, they're entries in the Value List

How would I do this, instead then?
Many thanks