VAF Pre-Condition throwing error instead of showing message


I've setup a Precondition on one of the states in a workflow in my VAF code. When it fails one of the conditions I am setting string message and returning false. I've debugged the code and it throws the below error, straight after the return.

I thought it could be an issue with the older version of the MFiles.VAF package I was using (22.12.672.3) but have since updated to 24.1.706.3 and having the same issue.

Have I misconfigured this precondition method?

<MetadataEditor>, -, Input string was not in a correct format. (0x80131537)
ScriptErrorHelper.cpp, 96, Input string was not in a correct format. (0x80131537)
MDispatchExImpl.h, 679, Input string was not in a correct format. (0x80131537)
MDispatchExImpl.h, 841, Input string was not in a correct format. (0x80131537)
CoDynamicCLRObjectWrapper.cpp, 552, Input string was not in a correct format. (0x80131537)
CoDynamicCLRObjectWrapper.cpp, 322, Input string was not in a correct format. (0x80131537)
ManagedError.cpp, 149, Input string was not in a correct format. (0x80131537)
CWFinance.VAF 0.2.4: [CManagedError* CRuntimeObjectWrapper.Invoke(CRuntimeObjectWrapper*, CManagedError*, CCoDynamicCLRObjectWrapper*, Int32, _GUID*, UInt32, UInt16, tagDISPPARAMS*, tagVARIANT*, tagEXCEPINFO*, UInt32*)], IL:197, Input string was not in a correct format. (0x80131537)
CWFinance.VAF 0.2.4: [Boolean CRuntimeObjectWrapper.ProcessFieldPut(CRuntimeObjectWrapper*, CCoDynamicCLRObjectWrapper*, Int32, tagDISPPARAMS*, tagVARIANT*)], IL:107, Input string was not in a correct format. (0x80131537)
CWFinance.VAF 0.2.4: [Void CRuntimeObjectWrapper.ConvertInputParameters(CRuntimeObjectWrapper*, tagDISPPARAMS*, System.Reflection.ParameterInfo[], System.Type, System.Object[]*, System.Object*)], IL:447, Input string was not in a correct format. (0x80131537)
CWFinance.VAF 0.2.4: [System.Object CRuntimeObjectWrapper.ConvertType(CRuntimeObjectWrapper*, System.Object, System.Type)], IL:28, Input string was not in a correct format. (0x80131537)
CWFinance.VAF 0.2.4: [System.Object ChangeType(System.Object, System.Type, System.IFormatProvider)], IL:282, Input string was not in a correct format. (0x80131537)
CWFinance.VAF 0.2.4: [Int32 System.IConvertible.ToInt32(System.IFormatProvider)], IL:0, Input string was not in a correct format. (0x80131537)
CWFinance.VAF 0.2.4: [Int32 ParseInt32(System.String, System.Globalization.NumberStyles, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo)], IL:32, Input string was not in a correct format. (0x80131537)
CWFinance.VAF 0.2.4: [Void StringToNumber(System.String, System.Globalization.NumberStyles, NumberBuffer ByRef, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo, Boolean)], IL:92, Input string was not in a correct format. (0x80131537)
(M-Files 24.2.13421.8 2024-03-07T03:14:57.115Z)

Parents Reply
  • Hi Radu,

    Thanks for the reply. My issue here is this is now in MFiles managed code unless someone can provide me with something I've done wrong. I set the message out string and returned false as should be done in a VAF state Precondition. That message string is supposed to be passed back to the user so they know why the object failed to pass into the new state. instead they're getting "Input string not in correct format".
