Required properties

When a property is marked as required through the metadata card configuration in M-Files, an (*) is displayed, suggesting its mandatory status. However, users are still able to save an object without filling in this supposedly required property. Could you please advise on how to ensure that the required property enforcement functions as intended?

  • Metadata card configuration rules are run within the client (e.g. the Desktop client or Web client) and are not explicitly enforced by the server; i.e. you can still create an object via the API which is missing MDCC-"mandatory" properties.  Different clients have slightly different support for metadata card configuration rules.

    If you are seeing mandatory properties on the metadata card (i.e. ones that have an asterisk) but you can save the metadata card, then this sounds like a bug.  If you are seeing objects that have been created in other ways (e.g. via the API) which are missing mandatory properties, then this is expected.  In this latter case, if you need to enforce these rules regardless of the client used, then you would need to enforce the logic using some server-side scripting (e.g. VAF).

  • But she didn't elaborate how the object is saved.. IMHO it reads like the user is on the Metadata Card, not filling out every mandatory field and still can save the Object.. This shouldn't be the case..

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