How to add current hubshare user when we create an object from hubshare ?

Hi All

How to add current hubshare user when we create an object from hubshare ?




  • Hi

    Please apologize for the late answer, I noticed your post but forgot to answer you for some reason...

    Anyway, happy you asked your question, I'm going to help you.

    In short, it is possible to add an user object in M-Files to be mapped to an existing hubshare user. For that, you need to create the object manually by providing the email address only (the same email than the user in Hubshare). After clicking the "Create" button to validate the object creation, the Plugin will first check if this email is already into use in Hubshare.

    1. If yes, the plugin will get the information about the user (firstname, lastname, etc) and complete the freshly created object.

    2. If no, naturally, the object follows the process you probably know and create the user in Hubshare.

    The same logic also exists for Hubs: this time, you need to create the hub object by filling only the "hub GUID" you can find in Hubshare. 

    1. If the hub exists, the plugin will sync the rest of the information starting from the GUID

    2. If the hub doesn't yet exist, it will be created on the fly

    This technic for the hub is also described in the support portal:

    One limitation exists: group and hub specifc group are not following (yet) this logic and there is currently no way to create an object in the vault to represent an existing group or hub specific group in Hubshare.

  • Hi

    Please apologize for the late answer, I noticed your post but forgot to answer you for some reason...

    Anyway, happy you asked your question, I'm going to help you.

    In short, it is possible to add an user object in M-Files to be mapped to an existing hubshare user. For that, you need to create the object manually by providing the email address only (the same email than the user in Hubshare). After clicking the "Create" button to validate the object creation, the Plugin will first check if this email is already into use in Hubshare.

    1. If yes, the plugin will get the information about the user (firstname, lastname, etc) and complete the freshly created object.

    2. If no, naturally, the object follows the process you probably know and create the user in Hubshare.

    The same logic also exists for Hubs: this time, you need to create the hub object by filling only the "hub GUID" you can find in Hubshare. 

    1. If the hub exists, the plugin will sync the rest of the information starting from the GUID

    2. If the hub doesn't yet exist, it will be created on the fly

    This technic for the hub is also described in the support portal:

    One limitation exists: group and hub specifc group are not following (yet) this logic and there is currently no way to create an object in the vault to represent an existing group or hub specific group in Hubshare.

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