Export / Import Hub Configuration


Can the Hub Configuration Exporter / Importer be used to basically duplicate a Hub, e.g. export all of the Hub Pages, Widgets, Widget Configurations etc?

- It doesn't seem to be doing this.

I have created a Hub from M-Files based on an empty Hub Template.

I have then modified the Hub in Hubshare adding Pages, Widgets, and configuring the widgets etc.

I would now like to try to create a Template from this Hub. I know there is a convert Hub to Template, but that deletes the original Hub, and I do not want to do that currently.

My plan was to Export the configurations from my Hub A, create a new Hub B, import the configurations from Hub A to Hub B, and then convert Hub B to a Template.

Problem is that when I create the new Hub B from the configuration of Hub A it is only creating the pages, but not the widgets with any of their configurations etc?

- I expanded all pages etc, and checked all checkboxes as part of the export

  • Hi,

    Thank you for reaching out to us. We will try to help you with this scenario.

    First, about the hub configuration exported that appears to be empty (without any widgets), it's surely because something wrong happened when the export process tried to export the widget configurations one by one. This process mainly needs to contact the M-Files Server, but also to resolve every IDs used to aliases (i.e Object Type 1 => OT.A). 

    Hubshare today has a problem, or at least, a lack of visibility when something wrong happens during the export: as the end-user, you don't know that something wrong happened, leaving potentially the export configuration file "empty" or partially empty for the widgets where an error occurred.

    This is something we worked on during the Summer, and an improvement is coming with the end of September release (5.0.8). With this improvement, any error will be displayed in the notification error and it will not be possible to download the export configuration file if there is an error.

    Second, to solve your scenario, and because you don't have the visibility on the problem occuring during the export, I could suggest that you do the following:

    1. Convert Hub A to a template

    2. Create Hub B based on the template

    The end result should be very similar with what you tried to do: you a valid template and a hub.

    Could it work for you?

  • Hi Baptiste,

    Thanks for the prompt answer. Yes, I will try your suggestion.

    My original approach was because I was concerned that things might go wrong when converting hub to template, and then I would lose all my configurations. 

  • Hi,

    I understand, but, no worries, converting a hub to a template only flags the hub like a template so it's a no risk approach.