How a M-files user can know when a document is download in hubshare

How to automatically update a M-Files metadata ‘download date’ when the Hubshare user downloads a document

  • Hi Sebastien,

    Hubshare can't do this by design. Still, as you may know, we do track every actions made by end-users in Hubshare in the M-Files connected widgets in the "Activities".

    If they can be consulted directly from Hubshare, you can now also access those activities (per hub, per widget, etc) via the Hubshare API.

    We have an ongoing customer implementation where our service peoples are doing a Vault App that collect the events from Hubshare at a specific frequency and with those information, they do changes and actions in M-Files according to what happen in Hubshare.

    This is a path you could consider, even if it involves development.

    Best regards

  • Hi Sebastien,

    Hubshare can't do this by design. Still, as you may know, we do track every actions made by end-users in Hubshare in the M-Files connected widgets in the "Activities".

    If they can be consulted directly from Hubshare, you can now also access those activities (per hub, per widget, etc) via the Hubshare API.

    We have an ongoing customer implementation where our service peoples are doing a Vault App that collect the events from Hubshare at a specific frequency and with those information, they do changes and actions in M-Files according to what happen in Hubshare.

    This is a path you could consider, even if it involves development.

    Best regards
