Hubshare Mfiles Creator Widget

Hello Fellow Community, 

Simply put, I am trying to use the prefilled options to fill fill a specific piece of metadata in an uploaded document. 

The Hub Name is an exact match for the data, so it should be an easy fix. But regardless of how I set it up or put it together the file always ends up with this metadata missing. 

Am I doing something wrong, or is there a problem in the system...

Here is a screen shot of the current set up: The Yellow marked Metadata is always missing even though the "success" window pops up. 

I appreciate your help in advance. 

All the best


P.S. I know I can simply select the metadata from the drop down list, but I need the widget to be dynamic because it belongs in a template. 

  • Hello Jamie,

    Unfortunately, you are not able to use that same value as it will try to look for a different property called "Shared From" inside the original "Shared From" item.

    I don't know if that sounds clear to you, but it won't be dynamic since it doesn't consider both "Shared From" as the same item, but two separate ones, Hubshare will try to look for a property within that "Shared From" item.

    One thing that could be done from our side is not allowing to select the same value in the first step of the relationship, but at the end it will not work as expected for you. 

    Let me know if my explanation wasn't clear enough, I can provide more details.

  • Hi Abdoullah, 

    Thanks for your speedy response.

    If you say that ultimately this will not work as I expect it to....How is this done by others?

    I can't imagine that I am the only one that doesn't want the user to have to modify every individual widget when a new Dashboard is created from a template.....

    I am wanting to set up the widget in a Template, so that the appropriate filter will be automatically applied to all hubs created from the template. 

    Can you offer any advice?

    Thanks in advance. 


  • I don't really understand what doesn't work well when using the filtering directly, it should be identified anyway if the hub name value matches the filter.

    Most of the users have templates preconfigured with prefill properties from Hubshare and that is working correctly.

    Also, the import/export feature allows you to edit Hubs configurations if needed without doing everything manually.

    Hope that helps.


  • I don't really understand what doesn't work well when using the filtering directly, it should be identified anyway if the hub name value matches the filter.

    Most of the users have templates preconfigured with prefill properties from Hubshare and that is working correctly.

    Also, the import/export feature allows you to edit Hubs configurations if needed without doing everything manually.

    Hope that helps.


  • Hi Abdoullah, 

    Thanks for your help. 

    Ultimately I have 1 Template, that links with two different Mfile Vaults (For internal differing reasons). This template is used to create a new Hub Dashboard for each new scope of Work within the business. The Hub Dashboard will enabling the transmitting of documents to external contractors, providing external contractors to upload reviewed or completed documentation (logging of these submissions) and providing internal users a clean overview of the objects in question for this scope of work. 

    Some of the widgets within the template are to access all published documents in one of the vaults. (with this I have no issues). Some of the other widgets need to access a specific scope of work within the other vaults. The Widgets are filtered using common views created in Mfiles. (This logic/decision was set up by my predecessor....and I am considering changing it but for now I am trying to work with the existing system).

    My Predecessor planned that the name of the Hub would be identical to the scope of work Metadata and based on this, be "prefilled" into these two metadata filters "Scope of Work (Portal)" /  "Shared from" so that the users creating the hub from the template only needs to select the correct view in the widget set up and everything else will work as planned.

    If what you are saying is correct, and the Hub Name cannot be used in this way to filter other metadata elements (regardless of them being identical) I am looking for an alternative solution.

    I hope that helps understand where I am coming from. 

    Thanks in advance

    Jamie Sedgman