Federated access HubShare


We're trying to switch a hubshare connection to a Cloud Vault from an M-Files user, which is working fine:

To an identity provider to improve security. Our M-Files users already use federated authentication to to connect to the vault.

We put in the details here and are prompted to MFA and see a success on this screen:

However when we click check we get

Any idea what could be causing this please?

I note in the the M-FILES INTEGRATION IN M-FILES HUBSHARE document it has this section

I'm concerned what impact this will have on users of the vault if I change this parameter in the vault

Any suggestions welcome

Many thanks


  • Hi,

    If your M-Files configuration works as is, with the UseIdTokenAsAccessToken set to false when you connect to Desktop and Web, and you want to keep it as the default configuration, then you can create another configuration in M-Files just for Hubshare.

    In Hubshare, when you configure your Federated Authentication, you can specify the Configuration Name parameter to select the right Federeted Auth configuration to use.

    This way, you can test the change from false to true of the UseIdTokenAsAccessToken property (essential to work with Hubshare) in the new configuration without impacting existing users using M-Files.