Filtering of Virtual Folders in HubShare

I have created a new view in M-Files that should be displayed in HubShare. This view is designed to ensure that each Hub only has access to its own documents. To achieve this, I applied a filter that assigns each employee to the correct Hub. However, I have noticed that this filtering does not apply to virtual folders.

Could you please clarify why this is the case? Additionally, is there a way to work around this limitation to ensure that the filtering works as intended?

Thank you in advance for your support.

  • Hello,

    The filters you are applying in your widgets are working on metadata which is why it doesn't apply to the Virtual Folders.

    They are not objects and are created depending on the properties themselves, which is not compatible with the "metadata query" tab in your widget configuration.

    The solution you can apply is the "View Filter" on the level that contains the Virtual Folders.

    I'll show you an example below:

    When I arrive in the Virtual Folders step it's now filtered and I only see the "Document" virtual folder:

    It can be done with the prefill values of Hubshare (like user e-mail or full name).

    I hope that helps.

  • Hello,

    The filters you are applying in your widgets are working on metadata which is why it doesn't apply to the Virtual Folders.

    They are not objects and are created depending on the properties themselves, which is not compatible with the "metadata query" tab in your widget configuration.

    The solution you can apply is the "View Filter" on the level that contains the Virtual Folders.

    I'll show you an example below:

    When I arrive in the Virtual Folders step it's now filtered and I only see the "Document" virtual folder:

    It can be done with the prefill values of Hubshare (like user e-mail or full name).

    I hope that helps.

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