I am getting a awrning when trying to upload files to Hubshare "object required" and then in the upload box a message saying error during upload. Can anyone give me some pointers whey this might be happening.

I have an explorer widget setup and  in the uploads section I have 3 metadate fields. Name or  title which is prompted at the time of upload. A filed to assign the class and a document security filed, which again is prompted for at the time of upload.

Why I add a document and enter the information, I click upload. but I get a brief popup warning saying "object required" and in the area where you drag the document a message saying "error during upload"

Can anyone give me some pointers why this might be happening.



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  • Hi Jonas, Thank you for your reply. It isn't self hosted, but is a single instance Hubshare site. I have looked at mandatory fields, and allowed for that. I have also created a new class with no mandatory fields, but I get the same message. If I use a creator widget, I can upload documents, but in the creator widget, you can select an object type for the upload, which you can't in the explorer and views widget. Thank you for the article  link. I'll take a look and see if there is anything in it that might help.