Last Modified by = Hub Share User (extern)

Hi all,

I would like to set in my documents the property "Last modified by" on a replaced or changed document in Hubshare. The idea is to implement the same behavior as the property " upload in Hubshare by" --> Hubshare user, this happens only when I use the M-Files Widget Creator and it works perfectly.

But now I want to know in M-Files which Hubshare user has changed the document in a M-Files Widget View/Explorer, I have tried to use the standard M-Files property, but every time I make a change as Hubshare user, it will appear in M-Files "Last Modified by" --> M-Files admin user in Hubshare, and I want to get the Hub user (external).

Is there any way to track this?

Thanks in advance! 

Best Regards, 


Parents Reply
  • Hi Dariam,

    The "Prefill" -option in the "Upload metadata" -tab can be used to prefill values from Hubshare (e.g. "User full name") to an M-Files property (text type). So, in this case, when a Hubshare user modifies a document in Hubshare, we fetch the "User full name" in Hubshare and fill it to the defined property. It is not possible to use this feature to automatically fill the corresponding M-Files user object to the document metadata card.


