Improvement on Hubshare social module SAVE and SEND


I am using Hubshare with a group that is not too technologically advanced.  They are keen to use the social module to communicate with the user and they find the interface a bit confusing

When they start typing, the option they see is SAVE.. not SEND.  Sometimes they start typing and want to SAVE the post as they go and not necessarily submit it at the same time.

Could you take a look at this and make it similar to other chat products with the ability to EDIT a post before sending it.  The SAVE seems misleading.  

I hope this is clear

  • Hello Irene,

    I have escalated the improvement request to Product team in a tracker issue.

    If the issue is taken in to be fixed/implemented by our development team, you will be able to locate which version of M-Files Hubshare contains the fix/improvement from the Release Notes in the M-Files Community ( by referencing the ID <7892> in the full release notes.

    Time frames for prioritized issues slated for a fix or implementation vary greatly depending on several factors, such as our product development plans, the importance of a fix/new feature, the complexity of the implementation, and the number of customer reports/requests for the feature affecting business operations. 

    I hope that answers your request.