User group refresh failure "The object is checked out to another user."

Some user groups synced from active directory are returning an error message when being updated.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

"Refreshing the user group "Group name [Domain\Group Name]" failed.
The object is checked out to another user."

Long form error:

RPCUserGroupsHelper.cpp, 5364, Refreshing the user group "" failed. (0x8004012E)
MCallInLoop.h, 521, Refreshing the user group "" failed. (0x8004012E)
RPCUserGroupsHelper.cpp, 5432, Refreshing the user group "" failed. (0x8004012E)
RPCUserGroupsHelper.cpp, 5432, The object is checked out to another user. (0x80040019)
RPCUserGroupsHelper.cpp, 3618, The object is checked out to another user. (0x80040019)
RPCUserGroupsHelper.cpp, 2252, The object is checked out to another user. (0x80040019)
VaultDBSessionEvents.cpp, 1205, The object is checked out to another user. (0x80040019)
VaultDBSessionEvents.cpp, 1789, The object is checked out to another user. (0x80040019)
VaultScriptSessionTemplates.cpp, 396, The object is checked out to another user. (0x80040019)
VaultScriptSessionTemplates.cpp, 523, The object is checked out to another user. (0x80040019)
CoActiveScriptSite.cpp, 897, The object is checked out to another user. (0x80040019)
CoActiveScriptSite.cpp, 739, The object is checked out to another user. (0x80040019)
AfterModifyUserGroup::MFiles.ComplianceKit.MFEventHandlerAfterModifyUserGroup, 22, The object is checked out to another user. (0x80040019)
CoDynamicCLRObjectWrapper.cpp, 552, The object is checked out to another user. (0x80040019)
CoDynamicCLRObjectWrapper.cpp, 322, The object is checked out to another user. (0x80040019)
ManagedError.cpp, 149, The object is checked out to another user. (0x80040019)
VaultApplicationBase.cs, 266 (IL:45), The object is checked out to another user. (0x80040019)
VaultApplicationBase.cs, 831 (IL:82), The object is checked out to another user. (0x80040019)
MethodInfo.cs, 229 (IL:105), The object is checked out to another user. (0x80040019)
UserSynchronizationModule.cs, 427 (IL:490), The object is checked out to another user. (0x80040019)
UserSynchronizationModule.cs, 444 (IL:107), The object is checked out to another user. (0x80040019)
UserObject.cs, 382 (IL:448), The object is checked out to another user. (0x80040019)
UserObject.cs, 279 (IL:69), The object is checked out to another user. (0x80040019)
M-Files Compliance Kit ver: [MFilesAPI.ObjectVersionAndProperties SetProperties(MFilesAPI.ObjVer, MFilesAPI.PropertyValues)], IL:-1, The object is checked out to another user. (0x80040019)
CoVaultObjectPropertyOperations.cpp, 381, The object is checked out to another user. (0x80040019)
CoVaultObjectPropertyOperations.cpp, 430, The object is checked out to another user. (0x80040019)
CoVaultObjectPropertyOperations.cpp, 456, The object is checked out to another user. (0x80040019)
CoVaultObjectPropertyOperations.cpp, 528, The object is checked out to another user. (0x80040019)
ServerVaultObjectPropertyOperationsHelper.cpp, 418, The object is checked out to another user. (0x80040019)
RPCObjectOperationsHelper.cpp, 115, The object is checked out to another user. (0x80040019)
CoRPCOverCOM.cpp, 10237, The object is checked out to another user. (0x80040019)
RPCDocumentOperations.cpp, 7548, The object is checked out to another user. (0x80040019)
MCallInLoop.h, 521, The object is checked out to another user. (0x80040019)
RPCDocumentOperationsHelper.cpp, 4259, The object is checked out to another user. (0x80040019)
RPCDocumentOperationsHelper.cpp, 3776, The object is checked out to another user. (0x80040019)
RPCDocumentOperationsHelperPrivate.cpp, 11323, The object is checked out to another user. (0x80040019)
RPCDocumentOperationsHelper.cpp, 20549, The object is checked out to another user. (0x80040019)

  • The error seems to come from the Compliance Kit application based on the error stack. I suspect this is related to the User Synchronization module, which you probably have enabled? Can you see any of your Employee / Person objects checked out in the vault? User Sync module may be trying to update one of them with the changed group memberships and cannot update a checked out object.

  • The error seems to come from the Compliance Kit application based on the error stack. I suspect this is related to the User Synchronization module, which you probably have enabled? Can you see any of your Employee / Person objects checked out in the vault? User Sync module may be trying to update one of them with the changed group memberships and cannot update a checked out object.
