refreshing a table in m files admin via VBA

hi all hope everyone is having a great day I'm looking for an excel vba that would open my m files admin and refresh my customer table automatically instead of me having to right click on my customer table from the meta data and click refresh.

Thanks any answers are very appreciated 

Parents Reply
  • hi what would be the full vba code in excel the first part i have below 

    Sub RunExternalProgram()
    Dim programPath As String
    programPath = "C:\Program Files\M-Files\24.9.14055.3\ServerTools\MFAdmin.msc"
    Dim objShell As Object
    Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    objShell.Run "mmc """ & programPath & """", 7, False
    End Sub

    what would i put as the second part of the code i do have the m files api library installed 
