I have a need to iterate over every item in one of our vaults, and I can't find a reliable way of doing it.
The first thing I thought of was just to read by id - for instance read id's 1-1000, then 1000-2000 and so on - so I tried /objects/0?q=id>=1000&id<=1099&limit=100. And I got back 100 items - but they just had random ids
I read a lot more and found the "p" syntax - and looked for the id of the id property - but there didn't seem to be one - so I thought - I'll use created date time. The created field in /structure/properties was 20 - so I tried this:
/objects/0?q=p20>=2000-01-01T00:00:00Z&limit = 100
now - I know _everything in the database_ is later than 2000 - but I got back nothing.
What am I doing wrong? And what is the best way to achieve what I want? Basically I want to loop through every single item (there may be about 1,000,000 of them) - in a repeatable way such that I can stop at any point and then start again from where I left off with no risk of missing anything. And then run it later and pick up any new values.
How can I do that?