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Workflow Automatic State Transition by calculated date

Former Member
Former Member

I was wondering if it is possible to define a automatic state change on a workflow based on a date, that has been calculated using an object's date property.


  • Have M-Files solved the requirement of trigger a state transition in time?, I was testing a script that calculate the difference in minutes to trigger the state but doesn't work, Response from Mika was on 2014.

    Option Explicit

    Const INTERVAL = 6 'every 6 minutes

    Dim dThisState : dThisState = PropertyValues.SearchForProperty( MFBuiltInPropertyDefStateEntered ).TypedValue.Value
    Dim dDeadLineTime : dDeadLineTime = Now()
    Dim tInterval, dThisStateUpdated

    ' Adapting the Time Zone (-3)
    dThisStateUpdated = DateAdd("h",-3, dThisState)

    ' Calculating the interval
    tInterval = DateDiff("n", dThisStateUpdated, dDeadLineTime)

    If tInterval = INTERVAL Then
    AllowStateTransition = true
    'Do nothing
    End If
  • Have M-Files solved the requirement of trigger a state transition in time?, I was testing a script that calculate the difference in minutes to trigger the state but doesn't work, Response from Mika was on 2014.

    Option Explicit

    Const INTERVAL = 6 'every 6 minutes

    Dim dThisState : dThisState = PropertyValues.SearchForProperty( MFBuiltInPropertyDefStateEntered ).TypedValue.Value
    Dim dDeadLineTime : dDeadLineTime = Now()
    Dim tInterval, dThisStateUpdated

    ' Adapting the Time Zone (-3)
    dThisStateUpdated = DateAdd("h",-3, dThisState)

    ' Calculating the interval
    tInterval = DateDiff("n", dThisStateUpdated, dDeadLineTime)

    If tInterval = INTERVAL Then
    AllowStateTransition = true
    'Do nothing
    End If
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