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Workflow Automatic State Transition by calculated date

Former Member
Former Member

I was wondering if it is possible to define a automatic state change on a workflow based on a date, that has been calculated using an object's date property.


  • Steve,

    Triggers based on time are not supported out of the box in the M-Files notification system, so the best option would be creating a custom app that you would run with Windows Scheduler, say every 5 minutes and that would search for the objects where the workflow is not changed within 3 hours and then move them to another state.

  • Steve,

    Triggers based on time are not supported out of the box in the M-Files notification system, so the best option would be creating a custom app that you would run with Windows Scheduler, say every 5 minutes and that would search for the objects where the workflow is not changed within 3 hours and then move them to another state.

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