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Workflow Automatic State Transition by calculated date

Former Member
Former Member

I was wondering if it is possible to define a automatic state change on a workflow based on a date, that has been calculated using an object's date property.


  • You can calculate the difference between the timestamps (dates with time specified) using vb script function DateDiff, see
    You have the timestamps in the Last modified property for each version. However, it would be a good idea to copy those timestamps into separate properties as a workflow action in each of the relevant states. The timestamp is probably not available at the time when the action script is run though. In stead you could just use system time Now to set the timestamp. Make sure you set the calculation order in the calculated field to make it work after the timestamp has been set.
    So, in Start State you create an action script that sets a timestamp for Start, and in End State you create an action script that sets a timestamp for End and add a property with a calculated value as the DateDiff between Start and End.
  • You can calculate the difference between the timestamps (dates with time specified) using vb script function DateDiff, see
    You have the timestamps in the Last modified property for each version. However, it would be a good idea to copy those timestamps into separate properties as a workflow action in each of the relevant states. The timestamp is probably not available at the time when the action script is run though. In stead you could just use system time Now to set the timestamp. Make sure you set the calculation order in the calculated field to make it work after the timestamp has been set.
    So, in Start State you create an action script that sets a timestamp for Start, and in End State you create an action script that sets a timestamp for End and add a property with a calculated value as the DateDiff between Start and End.
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