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Need Help in VBScript

Former Member
Former Member
' Get Contract End Date

Dim szContractEndDate

szContractEndDate = PropertyValues.SearchForProperty( 1306 ).TypedValue.DisplayValue

Dim szDate

szDate = DateSerial(Year(Now), Month(Now), Day(Now))

Dim szDate2

szDate2 = DateAdd("d",-135,szContractEndDate)

szDate = szDate2

I want to set  szDate2 to be trigger date for email notification
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Appreciate your response, as i understand but correct me if im wrong that could add a lot of work if you have multiple documents that has different contract end date.

    I'm just wandering maybe there's a vbscript that could change the state current date with a property date value, so transition state trigger date will base on the property date value.

    I will try all the responses on this post and give feedback to you guys.

  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Appreciate your response, as i understand but correct me if im wrong that could add a lot of work if you have multiple documents that has different contract end date.

    I'm just wandering maybe there's a vbscript that could change the state current date with a property date value, so transition state trigger date will base on the property date value.

    I will try all the responses on this post and give feedback to you guys.

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