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Need Help in VBScript

Former Member
Former Member
' Get Contract End Date

Dim szContractEndDate

szContractEndDate = PropertyValues.SearchForProperty( 1306 ).TypedValue.DisplayValue

Dim szDate

szDate = DateSerial(Year(Now), Month(Now), Day(Now))

Dim szDate2

szDate2 = DateAdd("d",-135,szContractEndDate)

szDate = szDate2

I want to set  szDate2 to be trigger date for email notification
  • Joonas' suggestion is much simpler to create and maintain than scripting. Scripts should only be used when no simple built-in solution are available.
    State transition ruled by a date can be achieved in a way similar to what Joonas described for notification. No scripts needed for that type of action.
    As this post unfolds it becomes obvious that one should explain the goal before going into details with the solution. There might be a much simpler way to achieve the goal than the one we first think of.
  • Joonas' suggestion is much simpler to create and maintain than scripting. Scripts should only be used when no simple built-in solution are available.
    State transition ruled by a date can be achieved in a way similar to what Joonas described for notification. No scripts needed for that type of action.
    As this post unfolds it becomes obvious that one should explain the goal before going into details with the solution. There might be a much simpler way to achieve the goal than the one we first think of.
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