VAF dependency to Newtonsoft.Json version 10.0.3


I need to use a nuget package having a dependency on newtonsoft.Json version 13.0.1 minimum.

Versions later than 2.0.0 of MFiles.VAF require version 10.0.3.

The NuGet package manager in Visual Studio therefore refuses the installation.
Having little experience in .Net, I am stuck.
Anyone know how to fix this kind of problem?

Are there any incompatibilities with the new versions? Are there any plans to lift this constraint soon?

Thank you in advance and good day.

Parents Reply
  • This was planned to be done as part of the next VAF release (later in December).  Unfortunately we ran into some issues that caused us to roll it back.  Basically: in order to do this we need to update the Newtonsoft reference across the entire stack of code involved.

    I am aware of at least one person who has posted on here who has apparently managed to make it work.  It's not an official workaround, and I personally haven't tried it in detail.
