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REST query on text property value with percent character results in web service internal server error

Hi all,

I am using a REST API call to find an (external) object with a specific value on a text property on that object. If the text search value contains a percent character, the web service returns error 500 internal server error:

{"Status":500,"URL":"/Objects","Method":"GET","Exception":{"Name":"JScriptException","Message":"The URI to be decoded is not a valid encoding"},"Stack":"Error reference ID:
d897c3d8-c8f4-4d89-b354-c16399068022","Message":"The URI to be decoded is not a valid encoding","IsLoggedToVault":true,"IsLoggedToApplication":true,"ExceptionName":"JScriptException"}

This is the original query
        /REST/Objects.aspx?o=101&p1240=WIA AANVULLING 20%

Variant: - url encoded argument


Same result: internal server error, while properly encoded.

How to search on a text property value that contains percent character or any other forbidden character on the querystring?

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