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Configurations to manipulate hierarchies and dependecies

I've just found and thought about the problem how to configure which dependencies should be included and hidden depending on object type + classes for a document (collection).

  • Would be good to split the linked documents according to their document class for example.
  • Some links should not be displayed perhaps - especially value lists which became objects to search for or because more than name is needed as attribute.
  • Sometimes it would be also good to display also links to value lists which are no objects - or define a grouping like documents per year.
  • Document classes are important for linking and also for facette searches.

Not everyone needs the same that's why it should be configurable for a vault - but also for users, users groups, NACLs, workflow states and such things. (SOMEONE WITH ADDITIONAL IDEAS?)

Real Object Hierarchies are fine but better descriptions with samples like in Developer's GitHub would also be fine for Business Administrator and IT Adminstrator tasks - premium would be the style of the C# docu from microsoft where you can find a little example for each method. Just an idea how to use the API as well as the configuration of the vault, compliance kit etc. 

For CK exists an example deployment for vault structure with demo data - would be good also for other features. 



Here an exmaple of real object type hierarchie from Advanced configuration - which I've adopted from a M-Files docu PDF but don't know the link any more:

PS: A link collection for further docu to those topics which already exist would be great at this place.