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Displaying multiple specific files in the M-Files browser

Former Member
Former Member


In my use of the API (runtime v2.0.50727 - VB.Net), I have the following situation:

  • For an object of class "Invoice" (ID = 100)
  • For an object with a "Number" property (ID = 600), whose value would be equal to 448

I display an object of type "Invoice" whose number is 448.

BUT I want to display several specific files. Since the conditions are only of type "AND", I thought I would do something like this:

  • For an object of class "Invoice" (ID = 100)
  • For an object with a "Number" property (ID = 600), whose value would be equal to one of the following entries: { 448, 1118, 3340 }

I display 3 objects of type "Invoice" whose numbers are respectively 448, 1118 and 3340.

Is this possible?

Thanks ! :-)

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