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Can't set property of checkout objVer

Hello everybody,

I am trying to update a property with the following code: 

      [... lookups is initialized ...]


        var lastObjVer  =  dashboard.Vault.ObjectOperations.GetLatestObjVer(objVer.ObjID,false,true);
       dashboard.Vault.ObjectPropertyOperations.SetProperty(lastObjVer, propertyValueNew);  <= error on this line
when I execute this code, I get : 
" CustomControlSite.cpp, 1051, L'objet est verrouillé dans M-Files, mais la version à laquelle vous tentez d'accéder n'est pas la version actuellement verrouillée. Ceci est peut-être dû à des données non réactualisées sur le client M-Files. Veuillez rafraîchir l'écran. (0x8004002D) "
That means I am trying to update a non checkout objet. How? I don't understand
  • It could be the "lastObjVer" that plays tricks on you. It seems to represent the last checked in objVer, and you need to add 1 to its value to get the currently checked out ObjVer. The system creates a new ObjVer when the object is checked out by your process.

  • It could be the "lastObjVer" that plays tricks on you. It seems to represent the last checked in objVer, and you need to add 1 to its value to get the currently checked out ObjVer. The system creates a new ObjVer when the object is checked out by your process.

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