API error code 154

Hi everyone 

We are creating an object through the API and everything seems to be working fine, but when we try to send a multiline field in the JSON, we receive an "ErrorCode": "154", "Status": 500, "Message": "Wrong data type for the definition of the property 'Equipment Failure'".

This si the properties in json 

'TypedValue': {
'Value':'tikect de prueba',
'HasValue': true,
'DisplayValue':'tikect de prueba',
'SerializedValue':'tikect de prueba',
'DataType': 1,
'SortingKey': '',
'IsNumberSorting' : false,
'HasAutomaticPermission' : false
'Value': {
'Value':'tikect de prueba',
'HasValue': true,
'DisplayValue':'tikect de prueba',
'SerializedValue':'tikect de prueba',
'DataType': 1,
'SortingKey': '',
'IsNumberSorting' : false,
'HasAutomaticPermission' : false
'PropertyDef': 1191,
'ContentType': 0,
'HasAutomaticPermission': false

 exist any specific way to build the json for multiline fields? 

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