Auto transition vbscript time stamp

Hello can someone help me with my script.  I don't know how to know time differential and date differential using time stamp (created) property.

here is my WIP vbscript, i want to allow transition if the time differential of time stamp is 24 hours. 

Option explicit
Dim classID, szDate, DateDsz
classID = PropertyValues.SearchForProperty(100).TypedValue.GetValueAsLookup().Item
szDate = CDate(PropertyValues.SearchForProperty( 20 ).TypedValue.DisplayValue)
DateDsz = DateDiff("h",Date,szDate)
If classID = 41 or classID = 42 or classID = 202 Then
If  DateDsz = 24 or  Then
AllowStateTransition = True
End if
End if

Thank you.