Workflow StateActions name generalization

I am currently writing something in the VAF, namely a new Vault Application. Basically, I want to trigger a state action, but for a more general name, instead of manually enumerating all the different state names. Is this something that can be done?

Ideally, I want the VA to

1) Detect if a state transition occurs in any of my workflows

2) Use the name of the transition to pinpoint the workflow it belongs to, and the state that was just completed.

3) Do an action based on the aforementioned

  • That would be difficult because transitions are individual objects in the database, you cannot use the same transition in multiple places. It would be possible to use the same alias on multiple transitions, but this is likely to cause problems in situations where the alias is used to trigger a transition. In that case the system would not be able to identify the correct transition. I am not aware of any method that would allow you to use a generic identification that would cover multiple transitions. That said, I am not familiar with developing VAFs. Others may be able to point you to a solution.

  • That would be difficult because transitions are individual objects in the database, you cannot use the same transition in multiple places. It would be possible to use the same alias on multiple transitions, but this is likely to cause problems in situations where the alias is used to trigger a transition. In that case the system would not be able to identify the correct transition. I am not aware of any method that would allow you to use a generic identification that would cover multiple transitions. That said, I am not familiar with developing VAFs. Others may be able to point you to a solution.

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