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Search scope by default ?

Hello all,

Quite often, my users are typing some words in the search box to get documents.

Most of the time, they are complaining about 'too much documents retrieved'.

In fact, they forget to check the box "Scope search" to metadata, which implies as far as I now, all documents content.

Is there an option to set this box checked by default ?

  • What M-Files version are you running? We introduced default search filters for M-Files Desktop in the May '20 Update, if you are running this or later version then your users should be able to choose metadata as their default search scope. Instructions in the user guide:

    If you are running an older version then this client-side registry setting does the same for the search scope (the new default filter functionality can be used also for other filters than the scope):

    Registry Key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Motive\M-Files\\Client\MFShell\\SearchBar
    Value name: PersistentSearchScope
    Value type: REG_DWORD (DWORD 32-bit Value)
    Value data: 0 = disabled
    1 = enabled
  • Hello,

    It works like a charm (I was searching on advanced vault configuration options !)

    All the best,
  • Is there any way to save/cache in a same way property-based conditions? They seem to be reset when the client is closed. Just got a question yesterday during a presentation. Thanks