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M-Files Client / Admin Tools on Windows 10 ARM (for M1 Macs)

Hi there

As a fascinated Mac user I just switched to the new M1 Pro MacBooks. Finally, I succeeded in installing Windows 10 ARM with Parallels. 

Unfortunately, when trying to install the M-Files Client (and Admin Tools) I got the error that the M-Files application only runs on x86 machines. 

Is there a hack I could apply or is it possible that M-Files supports Windows ARM architecture in the future?

I normally work with M-Files Web, but for certain processes it would be good to have the client installed.

Kind regards,


  • M-Files Desktop, M-Files Admin, and M-Files Server cannot be used on computers with an ARM processor. We are adding a note about this to the user guide in the next update so that it is officially documented. There are no plans to add such support at the moment as far as I know but that doesn't mean it wouldn't happen at some point in the future if there is enough demand for it.

  • M-Files Desktop, M-Files Admin, and M-Files Server cannot be used on computers with an ARM processor. We are adding a note about this to the user guide in the next update so that it is officially documented. There are no plans to add such support at the moment as far as I know but that doesn't mean it wouldn't happen at some point in the future if there is enough demand for it.
