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Client setup with specific windows users

Hi community, 

I am trying to organize workshop environment and would like to create environment with multiple client connections on each and every desktop computer.

I am following the concept by "M-Files Setup - Advanced User's Guide" (you can find document in knowledge base) and I am particularly interested for customized installation with XML configuration described in chapter 3. 

It seems it could be possible to setup multiple connections with specific windows users:

<Vault Name="My connection with specific windows user">
    <ServerVaultName>My Vault</ServerVaultName>

AuthType #2 describes specific windows user which is what I need.

The only thing I miss is actually to specify which windows user I would like to setup. How to do that? I expected there is additional option to provide domain user name or similar but don't see it in schema.

Another question is about that attached vbs script. What is minimally needed to run vbs scripts on clients PCs? Why I am asking is because on end user PCs there will be no development installation tool such as Visual Studio etc. I am not quite sure if VBScript comes with Excel/Office installation. I worry actually if our policy would accept running such script on clients PCs. But that is another story.

Thanks for your thoughts.


  • On the first question, I'm not sure a specific user can be set.
    On the second question, the script does not need to run on client computers. It is intended to modify the installation MSI package.
    Separately for the execution of VBS you do not need something special. The interpreter is built-in in Windows OS - cscript.

  • Thanks Ne0Tr0n. I had a wrong assumption. Already created custom connections and setup. Too pity this option with specific user domain user name is missing. that would be very helpful.

  • Perhaps someone has an idea. I created a set of connections under <Client> area of XML configuration in this format:



    <Vault Name="My connection name">
     <ServerVaultName><NAME OF MY VAULT></ServerVaultName>
    < NetworkAddress><MY_SERVER_DNS></NetworkAddress>



    and then run my script as described:

    cscript CustomizeInstaller2.3.vbs xml M-Files_Online_x64_eng_client_21_10_10725_5_EV.msi MyCustomizedSetup.xml M-Files_Online_x64_eng_client_21_10_10725_5_EV_MyCompanyInstallation.msi False False

    When I run it it comes like this:

    Copying "M-Files_Online_x64_eng_client_21_10_10725_5_EV.msi" to "M-Files_Online_x64_eng_client_21_10_10725_5_EV_MyCompanyInstallation.msi"...

    Customizing "M-Files_Online_x64_eng_client_21_10_10725_5_EV_MyCompanyInstallation.msi"...





    Setup package: M-Files_Online_x64_eng_client_21_10_10725_5_EV_MyCompanyInstallation.msi
    Package code: {BB760939-71B4-41D7-99CF-0CE90ED42F0E}

    Somehow it seems it has not took any configs. 

    Colleague of mine has installed on fresh client PC but there are no connections setup at all.

    What could be wrong? Do I miss something? I've followed that documentation.

    Thanks for suggestions. Perhaps I miss something