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Hide property "Assigned to" in specific state

Hello everyone!

I have made a copy of the object Assignment so I can use it for our Meeting conclusions. 

I had to add the property "Person" so I can get the Supervisor of the person that needs to finish the assignment.

Now, I want to hide OR make the "Assigned To" property read-only because I populate it with "auto calculated properties" module and dont want to let people change it.

They only can finish the assignment with that property.

I tried to hide it with metadata card rules but it does not work.

Is there any way to do this or does the Assigned To property have to be editable to everyone?

  • Hello dejanb!

    "Assigned to" is a special property that works in tandem with "Marked as complete by". They are both managed automatically by M-Files. When a person marks the assignment as complete, there will appear a green check mark next to their username. Behind the scenes, their username is moved from "Assigned to" property to "Marked as complete by" property.

    As this is built-in functionality, the property can not be hidden or otherwise modified by metadata card rules.

    Vesa Köppä

  • Hello Vesa! 

    Thank you for the answer. 

    I figured out that yeah, that the property is "managed by M-files". The thing is I need to "hide" it from users at least until it comes into a specific state. Could I do that with property group and just colapse that group ?=)

  • Hello Vesa! 

    Thank you for the answer. 

    I figured out that yeah, that the property is "managed by M-files". The thing is I need to "hide" it from users at least until it comes into a specific state. Could I do that with property group and just colapse that group ?=)

  • Hello dejanb!

    Unfortunately, using property group will not work either.

    What you can do is set the permissions of the assignments. That is how this kind of setting is usually handled. You set the permissions so that only the persons in "Assigned to" and maybe their supervisors have edit access to Assignments. Depending on your use case, all others have read access.

    Vesa Köppä